
Muslim actors in indian serials
Muslim actors in indian serials

muslim actors in indian serials

First of all, Urdu is considered to be a language of the madrasah-educated north Indian poor, so it is difficult for newspapers to sell ad space to generate revenue. This fact comes with a lot of challenges and pitfalls to portraying a more moderate view of Islam within India. Most Muslim representations in Indian media are limited to the Urdu-language media. Hindi-language media concentrates on the sensational aspects of Islam, having a tendency to extend these generalizations to the Indian Muslim population as a whole. Therefore, looking for the extreme voices and areas of conflict brings in more profit rather than, say, a Hindu and a Muslim sitting down and having a reasoned debate. It is important to remember that these papers are a business and ‘saleability’ means a lot, especially in terms of dealing with minorities.

muslim actors in indian serials

These papers are run by elites and higher castes that have the education and ability to pursue a career in journalism. Hindi is the most commonly spoken language in India, and Hindi newspapers therefore have a multi-million readership

  • Lack of a coherent self-view among Indian Muslims.
  • Political party affiliation to news sources.
  • A combination of factors influence the way that Islam is portrayed in Indian mass media, which include: However, oftentimes the mainstream Indian media misrepresents and underrepresents the Muslim Indian population and does not always accurately reflect the reality of the millions of Muslims in India.

    muslim actors in indian serials

    Islam is the second-most practiced religion in India after Hinduism, with over 13% practicing Muslims-or more than 138 million people. With this diversity comes the conflict of competing ideologies, and the debate plays out in the mass media. The Indian sub-continent is known for its ethnic, cultural, and linguistic diversity. Because of the disconnect between a democracy that supports all people and a media that doesn't reflect this, India should reexamine the way that people in-country see themselves and their own identities before projecting an image abroad. It appears that Islam is often under- and mis-represented in the Indian media in both the Hindi and Urdu languages. This is important for public diplomacy because what India projects to the rest of the world has to accurately reflect what is happening internally to gain credibility.

    muslim actors in indian serials

    One way to look at how well this is being done in India is to look at the way Indian mass media portrays Islam. After meeting today with Navdeep Suri, Joint Secretary & Head of the Public Diplomacy Division in India, we learned that in the context of the Arab Spring, India is promoting Islam as an important aspect of Indian history and culture.

    Muslim actors in indian serials