Note: When you embed the widget in your site, it will match your site's styles (CSS). When they took the sack off my head, the rat and I were covered in blood. Should you enter Chuck Norriss name into any internet search engine, your results would more than likely include.

Get the embed code Chuck Norris Experiment - Best of the First Five Album Lyrics1.All We Had in Common Was Our Name2.Back in Your Central5.Grab It Good6.Path of Destruction7.Psycho !10.Señorita (Lookout)11.Taking Out Berlin12.The Roof Is About to Cave In13.Ugly Motherfucker (Looking Just Like You)14.You Got It ComingChuck Norris Experiment Lyrics provided by I put the dead rat in my mouth, they put the sack over my head, then I began thrashing like the rat was attacking my face We had fake blood running down the rope that went into the sack and you could see the blood seeping out of the sack.